gaspod adds a Windows menu to absolutely any application, including the Finder. Yep, that's just about it.
___The How___
Just drop it in your System Folder, restart, and away you go. If all goes well, you'll see the gaspod icon during startup, along with all your other cool little extensions. If all goes really well, there'll be a new icon in your menu bar, up next to the Balloon or Apple Guide menu. Cool, cool, cool.
Go on, click on it! It'll look something like this:
A quick explanation of menu functions:
About gaspod…
Shows a quick about box, with my email and snail addresses, etc.
Everything else
Selects that window.
That's all, I s'pose.
___The Catch___
As always, there is a catch. Please only use the gaspod menu when the application in question doesn't have a windows menu of its own. Some applications (especially ones that use floating windows) get a little confused if you start selecting windows “by force” as gaspod does. Everything should stay usable, but windows maybe incorrectly hilighted.
SimTower also appears to make the gaspod menu do strange things, but then again, SimTower seems to make most things go strange.
Arguably, gaspod's best home is in the Finder.
___The Plug___
Thanks go to Scott Kevill for help getting that icon to work.
Misc thanks to pbjones, Peter Lewis and Ted Hook.
If you should love gaspod beyond belief, I would be incredibly happy to receive US$5 or AU$5 in the mail (cash, Australian cheque or IMO prefered). I'm at:
14 Gould Place,
Ayr, Qld, 4807,
Of course, bug reports and comments would also be welcome.
Hopefully, version 1.1 (which shouldn't be too far away) will be PowerPC Native. Not trying to be too technical, however, gaspod 1.0 should run fine on a Power Mac, as it causes no regular mode switches (only when certain events are processed).